Scientific publications
А.Г. Борисова, Т.Н. Ильина, С.Н. Калинина, И.В. Баишникова, Л.Б. Узенбаева, В.А. Илюха.
О некоторых факторах, влияющих на внутри- и межвидовую гемолитическую устойчивость эритроцитов млекопитающих
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 20-29
A.G. Borisova, T.N. Ilyina, S.N. Kalinina, I.V. Baishnikova, L.B. Uzenbaeva, V.A. Ilyukha. On several factors influencing intra- and inter-species haemolytic stability of erythrocytes in mammals // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 20-29
Keywords: active forms of oxygen, antioxidant system, hemolytic stability, erythrocytes.
Dependence of haemolytic stability of erythrocytes on antioxidant level and the microenvironment was studied in farm-reared carnivorous mammals (mink, red fox, arctic fox). Inter- and intraspecific (arctic fox) patterns in erythrocytes' thermohemolysis were determined. The results obtained suggest that increased leukocyte and neutrophil quantities lead to a decrease in erythrocytes' haemolytic stability, whereas increased SOD activity and elevated tocopherol level lead to increased stability. It is demonstrated that heat resistance of erythrocytes can be used in assessment of their functional state.
trudy_200903_020-29.pdf (145 Kb, total downloads: 417)
Last modified: April 6, 2010