Scientific publications
О.Н. Лебедева, Т.С. Николаевская, А.Ф. Титов.
Груз пигментных мутаций и выживаемость растений в потомствах Festuca Pratensis Huds., сформированных на мутантной основе
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 56-66
O.N. Lebedeva, T.S. Nikolaevskaya, A.F. Titov. Pigment mutation load and survival rate of plants in Festuca Pratensis Huds. mutation based progeny // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 56-66
Keywords: unduced mutagenesis, pigment mutations, survival rate, Festuca pratensis Huds.
The paper presents the results of research into the pigment mutation load and the survival rate in the perennial сross-pollinated grass Festuca pratensis Huds. in generations immediately following and remote from the mutation generating impact. Long duration of the mutation process, instability of the results both in terms of the frequency and of the spectrum of pigment mutations, as well as dependence of their phenotypic manifestation on the plants' survival rate and cultivation conditions are demonstrated. High survival rate and strong pressure of stabilizing selection for components of the survival rate were detected in the generations of mutant progeny formed through the action of chemical mutagen agents.
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Last modified: November 19, 2015