Scientific publications
Л.В. Филимонова.
Динамика растительности восточного побережья Финского залива в голоцене
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 9. 2009. C. 11-29
L.V. Filimonova. Vegetation dynamics on the gulf of Finland eastern coast in the holocene // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Biogeography. 2009. Pp. 11-29
Keywords: vegetation, dynamics, Holocene, mire, successions, Gulf of Finland coast.
Detailed reconstructions of the vegetation dynamics from Boreal time to the present on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Finland against climatic fluctuations and hydrological changes were made as well as with regard for geomorphology of the area and human impacts. They are based on pollen, macrofossil remains and radiocarbon data. To characterize the history of Sestroretsk mire evidence for the chronostratigraphy of lakemire sediments, the identification of algae (Pediastrum), pollen of wetland plants, the botanical composition of peat, overgrowing and paludification intensity, successions of mire paleocommunities and variations in their humidity index were used.
trudy_200904_011-29.pdf (318 Kb, total downloads: 809)
Last modified: April 7, 2010