
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Сер. "Гуманитарные исследования". Вып.1
2010. 162 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Humanitarian studies. 2010. 162 p.

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Articles in journal:

N.V. Lobanova. Problems of Documenting Rock Art in Karelia4
N.V. Eniosova, S.I. Kochkurkina. Old Karelian Non-Ferrous and Precious Metal Jewellery of the 10th−15th Centuries: Distribution, Chronology and Chemical Composition24
N.G. Zaitseva. Balto-Fennic Languages as Mirrored by Linguistic Geography34
E.I. Markova. Principles of Building Artistic Genealogy in the Works of Nikolai Klyuev48
A.Yu. Tarasov, A. Kriiska, Yu. Kirs. Evidences of exchange between inhabitants of Karelia and Estonia in the final stone age: basing on archaeological and petrographical study of wood-choopping tools of the russian-karelian type from the56
I.Yu. Vinokurova. Water in vepsian mythological ideas of life and death66
N.A. Krinichnaya. Tree man: on the problem of syncretism and differentiation of the phyto-anthropomorphic image (based on narrative folklore materials from Karelia)77
U.S. Konkka, A.P. Konkka. Arhippa Perttunen and Elias Lonnrot: the making of «Kalevala»86
M.V. Pulkin. Daily parochial life, and karelian epic songs97
S.N. Filimontchik. Role of scientific research institutes in Karelia in the development of the humanities during the 1930s103
T.G. Ivanova. Role of scholars from leningrad in establishment of folklore studies in Karelian Research Institute115
Tapio Hamynen. 40 years of studies of Karelia and Russia at the university of Joensuu faculty of humanities123
I.Yu. Vinokurova, K.K. Loginov. R.F. Nikol’skaya and founder of ethnographic science in Karelia132
Yu. A. Savvateev. Grigorii Pankrushev and archaeology in Karelia141
E. Stepanova. Alexandra Stepanova (on the 80th anniversary)145
A.V. Golubev. Concepts of the history of Soviet Karelia in the 1920s–1930s in studies by M. Kangaspuro and N. Baron149
S.M. Lojter. Panegyric bylina, panegyric lamentation, panegyric fairytale154
Last modified: March 30, 2015