
Scientific publications

Ю.В. Заика, Е.П. Борматова.
Параметрическая идентификация модели водородопроницаемости с динамическими граничными условиями
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии. Вып. 1. 2010. C. 30-44
Yu.V. Zaika, E.P. Bormatova. Parametric identification of hydrogen permeability model with dynamical boundary conditions // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. 2010. Pp. 30-44
Keywords: hydrogen permeability, mathematical modelling, parameters estimation
The inverse problem of parameters determination of nonlinear model of hydrogen permeability is considered. Using the outlet desorption flux known from experiment the algorithm of transition parameters (adsorption, desorption, solution and diffusion) estimation is proposed.

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Last modified: March 2, 2023