
Scientific publications

Л.Е. Назарова.
Изменение глобального и регионального климата
// Водная среда: обучение для устойчивого развития. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 55-64
L.E. Nazarova. Global and regional climate change // Aquatic environment: Education for sustainable development. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 55-64
In article the possible reasons of change of a global climate of the Earth are considered, distinctions of such concepts, as “change”, “variability” and climate “fluctuation” are shown. The special attention is given to questions of global warming and a “greenhouse effect”. Reaction of a regional climate to occurring global changes of climatic system to an example of territory of Kareliya during the XX-th century is shown. Data on change of a regime of air temperature and atmospheric precipitation for 1951–2000 are resulted. Possible consequences of change of a global climate are presented.

water_area_055-60.pdf (1.9 Mb, total downloads: 350)

Last modified: December 5, 2010