Scientific publications
О.И. Володичев, Т.И. Кузенко.
Структуры распада в пироксенах эклогитизированных габброидов как индикаторы эволюции магматических и метаморфических процессов (с. Гридино, Северная Карелия)
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 13. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 56–65
О.I. Volodichev, Т.I. Kuzenko. Disintegration structures in pyroxenes of eclogitized gabbroids as indicators of the evolution of igneous and metamorphic processes (Gridino, North Karelia) // Geology and useful minerals of Karelia. Issue 13. А.I. Golubev, O.I. Volodichev, 2010. P. 56–65
The study of disintegration structures (DS) in clinopyroxenes of Palaeoproterozoic eclogitized gabbroids from the Gridino area has revealed three genetic groups. The DS of group I СР were formed at a late subsolidus stage in igneous crystallization that preceded an autometamorphic stage in the formation of eclogitic parageneses.
The DS of group II probably have a magmatic and metamorphic nature. They are most common in dykes composed of eclogites for which an igneous, intrusive origin is assumed. Omphacite is thus an igneous mineral, and DS in them were formed at a subsolidus stage in crystallization. However, such structures are also common in metamorphic omphacites.
The DS of group III were produced by retrograde metamorphism according to the schemes: Omp + H2O → Amph + Qtz (Qtz and Amph-Qtz lamellae) and Omp → Di + Pl (symplectites).
The DS of group II probably have a magmatic and metamorphic nature. They are most common in dykes composed of eclogites for which an igneous, intrusive origin is assumed. Omphacite is thus an igneous mineral, and DS in them were formed at a subsolidus stage in crystallization. However, such structures are also common in metamorphic omphacites.
The DS of group III were produced by retrograde metamorphism according to the schemes: Omp + H2O → Amph + Qtz (Qtz and Amph-Qtz lamellae) and Omp → Di + Pl (symplectites).
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Last modified: December 5, 2010