Scientific publications
Праздничные традиции и новации народов Карелии и сопредельных территорий: исследования, источники, историография
Научный редактор и составитель д.и.н. И.Ю.Винокурова.
Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. 224 с.
In the volume of articles some results of research and source study work on the scientific project «Holiday culture of the people of Karelia and adjacent territories (еncyclopaedia preparation)» employees of Institute of language, literature and history Karelian scientifical centre, National library RK, the Petrozavodsk state conservatory, carried out within the limits of the Program of fundamental researches of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «The historical and cultural heritage and mental values of Russia» are shined. A number of articles concerns problems of change of holidays in time, correlation in them of traditions and innovations. In the publication are presented also the annotated bibliographic index of articles about the holiday culture, published in the newspaper «Oлонецкие губернские ведомости» (1838–1917); new original sources which to participants of the project managed to be found out as a result of archival and library researches, translational activity, field expeditionary gathering.
The book is intended for historians, ethnographers, specialists in folklore, culturologists.
The book is intended for historians, ethnographers, specialists in folklore, culturologists.
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Articles in proceedings:
Last modified: December 9, 2010