
Scientific publications

Пирогов Б.И.
Современные проблемы технологической минералогии
// Технологическая минералогия, методы переработки минерального сырья и новые материалы. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 7-23
Pirogov B.I. Modern problems of technological mineralogy // Technological mineralogy, methods for recycling of mineral products and new materials. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 7-23
The basic problems of technological mineralogy connected with features of a mineralogical-technological estimation of natural and technogenic kinds of mineral raw materials are considered; definition of a rational complex of mineralogo-technological methods of research of substance; working out of new methods of technological mineralogy at an estimation of ores of metals and nonmetallic raw materials; role definition detrial small particles in processes of technological processing of various kinds of raw materials; the directed changes of technological properties of minerals on nanolevel and reception of new materials; complex use of mineral raw materials at extraction and processing; perfection of methods of technological mineralogy at early stages of prospecting works and on modern GOKa; development of system of geological-technological modelling at deposit mapping of various genetic types of minerals.

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Last modified: December 8, 2010