
Scientific publications

Ракаев А.И., Нерадовский Ю.Н., Черноусенко Е.В., Морозова Т.А.
Технологические особенности медно-никелевых руд в серпентинитах (на примере Печенги)
// Технологическая минералогия, методы переработки минерального сырья и новые материалы. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 68-74
Rakaev A.I., Neradovsky Y.N., Chernousenko E.V., Morozova T.A. Engineering characteristics of coppernickel ores in serpentinites (examples from Pechenga) // Technological mineralogy, methods for recycling of mineral products and new materials. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 68-74
The mineralogical and mineral composition of a new type of sulphide mineralization in the Pechenga Ore Field, represented by finely disseminated ores in serpentinized peridotites, was analysed. Some characteristics of the mineralogical composition of the ores analysed that affect their engineering properties were revealed. Copper-nickel concentrate that contains over 4% Ni with a recovery of 60% was produced using a scheme made up by the authors. The Ni content of tails was 0.12%.

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Last modified: December 8, 2010