
Scientific publications

Л.В. Аникиева, Е.П. Иешко.
Морфологическая изменчивость паразита сиговых рыб цестоды [i]Proteocephalus Longicollis (Proteocephalidae)[/i] в условиях трансформации водных сообществ
L.V. Anikieva, E.P. Ieshko. Morphological variability of [i]Proteocephalus Longicolli[/i]s (Zeder, 1800) ([i]Proteocephalidae[/i]), a parasite of coregonids inconditions of transformation of water communities // Biological Resources of the White Sea and Inland Waters of European North. Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference October, 5–8, 2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 43-46

Bioresurs_2009_043-46.pdf (121 Kb, total downloads: 472)

Last modified: December 14, 2010