
Scientific publications

С.Ф. Комулайнен, А.Н. Круглова, И.А. Барышев.
Состояние гидробиоценозов рек поморского побережья белого моря
S. F. Komulaynen, A. N. Kruglova, I. A. Baryshev. Modern state of hydrobiont communities in some rivers of pomorsky coast of White sea // Biological Resources of the White Sea and Inland Waters of European North. Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference October, 5–8, 2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 297-302

Bioresurs_2009_297-302.pdf (227 Kb, total downloads: 322)

Last modified: December 14, 2010