
Scientific publications

Н.Б. Теренина, О.С. Осипова, В.В. Куклин, М.М. Куклина, О.О. Толстенков.
Нервно-мышечная система трематоды Gymnophallus Deliciosus (Gymnophallidae)
N.B. Terenina, O.S. Osipova, V.V. Kuklin, M.M. Kuklina, O.O. Tolstenkov. Neuromuscular system of Gymnophallus Deliciosus (Trematoda, Gymnophallidae) // Biological Resources of the White Sea and Inland Waters of European North. Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference October, 5–8, 2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 551-554

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Last modified: December 14, 2010