
Scientific publications

Фролов Ю.А., Великанов Г.Б., Григорьева Ю.Н.
Технология подсочки сосны обыкновенной с биологическими стимуляторами на осушаемых землях
Frolov Yu.A., Velikanov G.B., Grigorieva Yu.N. Technology of pine tapping using biological stimulants on drained lands // Forest Resources of Russian Taiga: Forest Use and Reforestation Problems: Proceedings of the All- Russian Scientific Conference With International Participation. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS Publishers, 2009. Pp. 215-218

Les_resurs_215-218.pdf (359 Kb, total downloads: 560)

Last modified: December 15, 2010