
Scientific publications

Мясникова О.В., Шеков В.А.
Изменение прочностных свойств изверженных горных пород в процессе технологического передела при производстве щебня
// Новые методы технологической минералогии при оценке руд металлов и промышленных минералов. Сборник научных статей по материалам российского семинара по технологической минералогии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 149-155
Myasnikova O.V., Shekov V.A. Changes in the strength properties of igneous rocks upon technological conversion during aggregate production // New Technological Mineralogy Methods for Evaluation of Metallic and Industrial Mineral Ores. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 149-155
A method for evaluation of microdamages in rock and aggregate from the index of effective porosity and water absorption, based on the modern concepts of the rock destruction theory, is proposed. A reduction in stone durability was found to be closely related to the formation of microfractures on the rock surface. It has been shown that, together with the mineral composition, size and shape of a crushed grain, one of the essential factors that affect the strength of aggregate and are responsible for its durability is the microfracturing of rock. It has been proved that technological conversion of rocks in production of construction materials (aggregate) substantially changes the physico-mechanical characteristics of material in comparison with their initial indices.

tekh_mineral_149-155.pdf (290 Kb, total downloads: 317)

Last modified: December 16, 2010