Scientific publications
Тимофеева В.В., Кутенков С.А.
Оценка состояния лесных экосистем национального парка «Паанаярви», подвергающихся активным рекреационным нагрузкам
// Роль туризма в модернизации экономики российских регионов. Сборник научных статей по матер. междунар. научно-практич. конф., 8-10 июня 2010 г., Петрозаводск-Кондопога. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 294-296
Timofeeva V.V., Kutenkov S.A. Assessment of the Condition of the Forest Ecosystems in the Paanajarvi National Park Exposed to Heavy Recreational Pressure // The Role of Tourism in Modernization of the Economy in Russian Regions. The Collection of scientific articles
based on the materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference on June, 8-10, 2010. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2010. Pp. 294-296
There is an information concerning influence of trampling upon the statement of the living ground in 16 most visited tourist sites in the Paanajarvi National Park is given in the article. No matter when the sites had formed, they have similar features of disturbance in the herb-dwarf shrub and moss-lichen layers. Three trampling zones differing in the degree of recreational digression of the ground cover have formed within the sites depending on the recreational load. We also surveyed the observation areas of the rapids Kivakkakoski, Mantykoski, top of Mt. Kivakka, and assessed the degree to which paths leading towards them have been trampled down.
rol_turism_294-296.pdf (95 Kb, total downloads: 4741)
Last modified: June 7, 2012