Scientific publications
Ильинов А.А., Раевский Б.В., Рудковская О.А., Топчиева Л.В.
Сравнительная оценка фенотипического и генетического разнообразия северотаежных малонарушенных популяций ели финской (Picea X Fennica)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 11. 2011. C. 37-47
Ilyinov A.A., Raevskiy B.V., Rudkovskaya O.V., Topchieva L.V. Comparative assessment of the phenol- and genotype diversity of old-growth northern taiga (Picea X Fennica) populations // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2011. Pp. 37-47
Keywords: intact populations, phenotype variability, genetic structure, PCR, microsatellites
It was found that the level of phenotype variability for the White Sea coastal populations was higher (Cv = 5,9 %) than for Paanajarvi ones. This integrated coefficient of phenotype variability was calculated using all characters involved in the investigation. Paanajarvi populations were closely similar to each other in this respect, with this characteristic (Сv = 4,7 %) being at a minimum value compared to other spruce populations in Karelia. These north Karelian spruce populations should be classified as the introgressive hybrid P x fennica (Regel. Kom.) shifted closely to Picea obovata Ledeb. The influence of Picea abies (L.) Karst was minor, slightly growing from Paanajarvi towards White Sea coast (Pongoma populations). Genetic analysis carried out with polymerase chain reaction showed that microsatellite loci applied were polymorphic, each having 6 alleles per locus. In contrast with phenotype variability, the level of genetic diversity for Pongoma populations was lower compared with Paanajarvi ones. On the whole, the level of genetic variability for spruce populations in the northern taiga subzone of Karelia revealed using microsatellite markers was low, and comparable with that found for Karelian P. x fennica populations using isozyme loci.
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Last modified: September 26, 2016