Scientific publications
Н.Е. Королева.
К синтаксономии растительных сообществ с доминированием Dryas octopetala L. в Фенноскандии и на Шпицбергене
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 11. 2011. C. 23-36
N.E. Korolyova. On syntaxonomy of Dryas octopetala L. dominated tundra plant communities of Fennoscandia and Spitsbergen // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2011. Pp. 23-36
Keywords: Fennoscandia, Dryas octopetala:dominated plant communities, Braun:Blanquet classification
The paper is a phytosociological survey of the Dryas octopetala L.:dominated plant communities in hemiarctic and orohemiarctic Fennoscandia (including Murmansk Region, northern provinces of Norway and Sweden). To more accurately specify their syntaxonomic position, the results were compared with Dryas octopetala:dominated units in Spitsbergen. One new association and three new variants were described.
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Last modified: March 24, 2011