Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 4. Водные проблемы Севера и пути их решения
2011. 157 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 4. Northern Water Problems. 2011. 157 p.
Сластина Ю.Л., Комулайнен С.Ф., Потахин М.С., Клочкова М.А. Структура криофитона в озерах города Петрозаводска | |
Теканова Е.В., Калинкина Н.М., Полякова Т.Н., Куликова Т.П., Тимакова Т.М., Чекрыжева Т.А., Рябинкин А.В., Сластина Ю.Л., Шарова Ю.Н. Трансформация водных сообществ Выгозерского водохранилища в связи с изменением антропогенной нагрузки | |
N.N. Filatov. Modern water problems of the North of European Russia | 4 |
A.V. Litvinenko, M.S. Bogdanova, V.A. Karpechko, I.A. Litvinova, N.N. Filatov. Water resources of Karelia: main problems of sustainable use and protection | 12 |
P.A. Lozovik, A.V. Ryzhakov, A.V. Sabylina. Processes of matter transformation, cycles and formation in natural waters | 21 |
N.M. Kalinkina, T.A. Chekryzheva, T.P. Kulikova, A.V. Ryabinkin. Patterns in the response of the biota of Karelian lakes to changes in the ion composition under the impact of mining mill wastewaters | 29 |
N.A. Belkina. Role of sediments in the processes of transformation of organic matter and nutrients in lake ecosystems | 35 |
T.M. Timakova, A.V. Sabylina, T.N. Polyakova, M.T. Syarki, E.V. Tekanova, T.A. Chekryzheva. Modern state of the Onego lake ecosystem and trends of its change during the past decades | 42 |
E.V. Tekanova, P.A. Lozovik, N.M. Kalinkina, T.P. Kulikova, T.N. Polyakova, A.V. Ryabinkin, Yu.L. Slastina, T.M. Timakova, T A. Chekryzheva. Recent state and transformation of the northern part of Vygozerskoe reservoir | 50 |
R.E. Zdorovennov, G.E. Zdorovennova, N.I. Pal’shin, A.J. Terzhevik. Variation of the temperature and oxygen regimes of a shallow lake in winter | 57 |
Z.S. Kaufman. Some aspects of the fauna formation in lakes Onegо and Ladoga (review) | 64 |
L.A. Rukhovets, N.N. Filatov. Application of mathematical models to the tasks of preservation of Onegо lake water resources | 77 |
V.V. Menshutkin. Logical-linguistic models of the fish populations and lake ecological systems | 88 |
N.E. Kulakova, P.A. Lozovik. Experimental leaching of ore from the Kostomuksha and Korpanga iron ore deposits | 98 |
I.M. Nesterenko, S.L. Matveev. Moisture redistribution in freezing soils in Karelia: engineering аnd ecological problems | 103 |
G.S. Borodulina. Role of groundwater flow to lakes of the onega watershed in formation of the chemical composition of lake water | 108 |
O.Ya. Glibko, A.A. Lukin, B.F. Prishchepa. Modern problems of fishery regulation by laws and standards | 116 |
A.V. Litvinenko, M.S. Bogdanova. Guidelines on the use of gistechnology in the management of water resource use | 124 |
L.E. Nazarova. About assessment of comfortable climate of Karelia | 129 |
I.Yu. Potapova. The role of atmospheric precipitation in the formation of the chemical copmosition of surface waters in Karelia | 134 |
Yu. Slastina, S. Komulainen, M. Potakhin, M. Klochkova. Cryophyton structure in lakes of the Petrozavodsk city | 138 |
A.V. Tolstikov, A.N. Sharov. Expedition of the research of Eastern Antarctica lakes | 142 |
M.S. Bogdanova, I.U. Georgievskiy, S.P. Grippa, V.L. Dmitriev, N.V. Lobanova, P.V. Medvedev, M.S. Potakhin, S.B. Potakhin, A.V. Tolstikov, N.N. Filatov. The expedition of the grant of Russian geographical society | 143 |
Н.Н. Филатов, М.Т. Сярки. Залман Самуилович Кауфман (к 90-летию со дня рождения) | 144 |
Last modified: March 30, 2015