
Scientific publications

А.Е. Веселов, Д.С. Павлов, М.А. Скоробогатов, Д.А. Ефремов, Е.Н. Белякова, К.Ю. Потапов.
Опыт искусственной инкубации икры атлантического лосося (Salmo Salar L.) в р. Суне (бассейн Онежского озера)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2011. C. 28-38
A.E. Veselov, D.S. Pavlov, M.A. Skorobogatov, D.A. Еfremov, E.N. Belyakova, K.Yu. Potapov. An experience of artificially incubating atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.) eggs in the Suna river (lake Onega basin) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2011. Pp. 28-38
Keywords: Atlantic salmon, egg incubation, incubation redd.
A new technology for artificial reproduction of Atlantic salmon was developed and tested. The final stage of incubation of hatchery_reared eggs takes place in the river: in March eyed eggs are placed into incubation redds which are then planted into/onto the riverbed. We proposed two designs of artificial redds for egg incubation, which supply viable fry that would independently disperse across nursery areas. The «redds» are designed so that the underflow, where impurities are naturally filtered away, creates the conditions favourable for the embryos. Trials of the redds in a rapid in the Suna River (Lake Onega basin), which lasted 2.5 months, proved egg incubation in the natural settings to be very effective. Larvae emergence from pipe_shaped incubation redds twisted into the riverbed was 95 %, and that from flat ones pressed onto the riverbed – 94–97 %. Eventually, viable salmon fry from the incubation redds independently dispersed across the nursery area of the rapid.

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Last modified: October 12, 2011