Scientific publications
А.Г. Кижина, Л.Б. Узенбаева, В.А. Илюха, Н.Н. Тютюнник, О.В. Трапезов, Н.Н. Шумилина, Е.Е. Ларина.
Морфологические и цитохимические аспекты дефекта лейкоцитов в доместицируемых популяциях пушных зверей
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2011. C. 62-68
A.G. Kizhina, L.B. Uzenbaeva, V.A. Ilyukha, N.N. Tyutyunnik, O.V. Trapezov, N.N. Shumilina, E.E. Larina. Morphological and cytochemical aspects of leukocyte defect in domesticated populations of fur animals // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2011. Pp. 62-68
Keywords: leucocytes, fur animals, mink, silver fox, genotype.
The morpho.cytochemical features of leukocytes were investigated in domesticated minks and silver foxes of different genotypes. A defect of leukocyte granules was found in minks with the Aleutian gene (a/a) and in sapphire foxes (b/b p/p s/s). The degree of the defect differs between minks and foxes, as well as between minks of different genotypes.
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Last modified: February 2, 2016