
Scientific publications

И.Б. Кучеров, С.А. Кутенков.
Кустарничковые сфагново-зеленомошные и сфагновые сосняки средней и северной тайги Европейской России
I.B. Kucherov, S.A. Kutenkov. Dwarf shrub sphagnum feathermoss and sphagnum pine forests of northern and middle taiga of Europaean Russia // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Biogeography. 2012. Pp. 16-32
Keywords: pine forests, syntaxonomy, middle taiga, northern taiga, European Russia
As a result of field research of 1996–2010 in northern and middle taiga of European Russia, 10 syntaxa of dwarf shrub sphagnum.feathermoss and sphagnum pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests, including 5 associations with 2 sub.associations and 7 variants, were distinguished following the dominant.floristic approach to vegetation. All the units undergo paludification, and grow on peat deposits of various thickness. The geographical ranges of the syntaxa are analyzed together with their latitudinal distribution and mineral nutrition features.

trudy_2012_01_016-32.pdf (695 Kb, total downloads: 1742)

Last modified: April 6, 2012