Scientific publications
Hannu Luotonen, Timo J. Hokkanen, Seppo Hellsten, Petri Liljaniemi, Taneli Kolstrom, Nikolai Filatov.
Management of aquatic biodiversity and ecological status in transboundary surface waters along the green belt of Fennoscandia
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Зеленый пояс Фенноскандии. 2009. C. 48-55
Х. Луотонен, Т. Хокканен, С. Хельстен, П. Лильяниеми, Т. Кольстрем, Н. Филатов. Управление биоразнообразием водных экосистем и экологическое состояние трансграничных водоемов зеленого пояса Фенноскандии 2009. C. 48-55
Keywords: Aquatic biodiversity, sustainable use of natural resources, ecological status, ecological monitoring
The Green Belt of Fennoscandia offers an interesting area for environmental research and monitoring activities. The aquatic ecosystems of the western edge of boreal coniferous zone enable assessment of the pristine characteristics of various water ecosystems and the relationship of catchment areas to lotic and lentic ecosystems. The differences of land use in catchment areas also make it possible to assess the human impacts on water ecosystems and to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic changes. The importance of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia increases with global climate change. Assessment of ecological changes in water bodies, conservation of aquatic biodiversity, mitigation of harmful ecological and socio-economical impacts and adaptation to transient conditions requires long-term transnational co-operation on water ecosystems and their catchments along the Green Belt of Fennoscandia.
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Last modified: May 5, 2012