
Scientific publications

Придача В.Б., Позднякова С.В., Сазонова Т.А.
Влияние соотношений N : P : K в среде на минеральный состав растений рода Betula
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2012. C. 104-112
Pridacha V.B., Pozdnyakova S.V., Sazonova T.A. Effect of ambient N : P : K ratios on the mineral nutrient composition in Betula plants // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Experimental biology. 2012. Pp. 104-112
Keywords: Betula pendula var. pendula, Betula pendula var. carelica, morphometric parameters, «biological» and «commercial» N : P : K optimums
Investigation of the elemental composition was carried out in common silver birch (Betula pendula var. pendula) and curly (Karelian) birch (Betula pendula var. carelica) seedlings at early stages in the ontogeny against the background of variation in the availability of major mineral nutrients in the substratum. The «biological» and «commercial» N : P : K optimums and their similarity in the birch forms in question were determined. Intraspecific variation of the structural organization of the plants under the conditions of different availability of macroelements is demonstrated. Probable causes of the distinctions are discussed.
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Last modified: September 26, 2016