
Scientific publications

Лузин В.П.
Комплексные исследования продольноволокнистого хризотил-асбеста Баженовского месторождения
Luzin V.P. Complex researches of longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos of the Bazhenovsky field // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 118-126
The results of study of the longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos by the mineralogical, physical, chemical and technological methods are shown. The gained information abaut properties of this mineral point to its convergence with cross fibrous chrysotile-asbestos of a fild. A distribution zone of longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos is comparable with a zone of distribution of type of a small grid of cross fibrous chrysotile-asbestos on contents of fibres of geolodical sort. Enrichment it is longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos corresponds to rate of state standart on enrichment asbestos and it is suitable to production asbestos-cement productiens. The data of researches became a basis for change status of is longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos from for balance stocks in balance stock, wich have been presented earlier only by cross fibrous chrysotile-asbestos. Longitudinal fibrous chrysotile-asbestos development is promotes to increase of operation of asbestine object and improvement of ecological conditions

miner_tech_ocenka_118-126.pdf (725 Kb, total downloads: 505)

Last modified: June 4, 2012