
Scientific publications

Бубнова Т.П., Щипцов В.В., Скамницкая Л.С.
Новые подходы к изучению высокоглиноземистого сырья Карелии
Bubnova T.P., Shchiptsov V.V., Skamnitsaya L S. New approaches to the study of high-alumina raw materials of Karelia // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 127-133
The results of the marketing study of the ores used for aluminium production are presented. Global experience in the production of sillimanite-group minerals, used as refractory materials, is analysed. Karelia's potential highalumina prospects are listed. The potential of microprobe analysis in the study of minerals is shown. Equations for predicting the degree of kyanite extraction upon dressing were developed on the basis of mathematical statistical methods. Arguments in favour of the complex pattern of ores are presented and criteria for estimating the industrial value of high-alumina minerals are proposed.

miner_tech_ocenka_127-133.pdf (951 Kb, total downloads: 253)

Last modified: June 4, 2012