
Scientific publications

Назарова Л.Ю., Голдин Б.А., Надуткин А.В.
Керамические материалы на основе шунгитовых пород
Nazarova L.Y., Goldin B.А., Nadutkin А.V. Shungite rock-based ceramic materials waste piles from Nefteshakht Yareganeft // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 174-178
Ceramic materials on the basis of products of high-temperature processing of shungit breeds of Kareliya are received. Research of phase structure of materials was spent by a x-ray powder diffraction method. Studying of a microstructure of the samples by a method of scanning electronic microscopy has shown that microinclusions of grains of silicon, iron and intermetallic connections are present. The estimation of average factor of reflection in a range of frequencies of 12-26 GHz testifies to presence of electronic conductivity in ceramics, or about presence of spending inclusions.

miner_tech_ocenka_174-178.pdf (798 Kb, total downloads: 271)

Last modified: June 4, 2012