
Scientific publications

Alhojarvi P., Alhojarvi T., Demidova N.
Integrated approach for certifying forests, non-wood forest products and forest based tourism, some examples from finland and the Russian Federation
Алхоярви П., Алхоярви Т., Демидова Н. Комплексный подход к сертификации лесов, недревесных лесных продуктов и экотуризма, некоторые примеры из финской и российской практик 2010. C. 269-271
The article deals with the current issues, the forest certification, the non-timber forest product, and sustainable ecological tourism. The authors advocates the strengthening of the process through the complex approach, taking into account the principles of the sustainable development of natural parks and use of the techniques of the ecological footprint as an assessment of the impact of human activities, including tourism. The examples from the Finnish and Russian experience are given.

rol_turism_269-271.pdf (94 Kb, total downloads: 181)

Last modified: June 6, 2012