Scientific publications
Александрова А.Ю.
Кластерные принципы организации туристского пространства (мировой опыт)
// Роль туризма в модернизации экономики российских регионов. Сборник научных статей по матер. междунар. научно-практич. конф., 8-10 июня 2010 г., Петрозаводск-Кондопога. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 27-32
Aleksandrova A.U. The Cluster Principles in Organization of the Tourists’ Space (the world experience) // The Role of Tourism in Modernization of the Economy in Russian Regions. The Collection of scientific articles
based on the materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference on June, 8-10, 2010. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2010. Pp. 27-32
The article is aimed to analysis of the issues concerning the cluster-formation in the tourism sphere. The tourists' clusters are considered as a global phenomenon in the modern world. The actuality of the cluster approach for the development of the recreationtravelling sphere is shown. The main principles of formation and functioning of the tourists' clusters are examined. The theoretical foundations are illustrated by examples from the international practice.
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Last modified: June 7, 2012