Scientific publications
Карпова Г.А., Максарова Е.М.
Механизм реализации принципов устойчивого развития туризма через государственно-частное партнерство
// Роль туризма в модернизации экономики российских регионов. Сборник научных статей по матер. междунар. научно-практич. конф., 8-10 июня 2010 г., Петрозаводск-Кондопога. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2010. C. 76-80
Karpova G.A., Maksarova E.M. The Mechanism of Realization of the Sustainable Development Principles for the Tourism Through the Public-Private Partnership // The Role of Tourism in Modernization of the Economy in Russian Regions. The Collection of scientific articles
based on the materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference on June, 8-10, 2010. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, 2010. Pp. 76-80
The article deals with the sustainable tourism development. The authors address the issues related to the history, terminology and the concept of sustainable development for the tourism industry. Development of public-private partnerships in the field of tourism and reservation of the tourism resources under modern conditions is the most effective instrument for the implementation of the sustainable development principles.
rol_turism_076-80.pdf (209 Kb, total downloads: 1847)
Last modified: June 7, 2012