
Scientific publications

Ш.К. Балтыбаев.
Мигматитообразование в калиевой зоне северного приладожья: термодинамические режимы плавления и кристаллизации, геохимическое моделирование перераспределения химических элементов в системе субстрат – расплав
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2012. C. 4-16
Sh.K. Baltybaev. Formation of migmatites in the k-rich zone of the northern ladoga region: thermodynamic regimes of melting and crystallization, geochemical modeling of the elements distribution in the protolith/melt // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Precambrian Geology Series. 2012. Pp. 4-16
Keywords: K-rich zone of migmatites, Ladoga region, melting, model melt, fluid.
Leucosomes of two types: anatectic ones and those formed under the effect of K-rich fluid, were studied in migmatites of the K-rich Priozersksaya zone of the Northern Ladoga region. When aluminiferous gneisses are partially melted at temperatures up to 800–850 С melt of granitic composition, similar to that of early generations of leucosomes, is formed. For the presumed РТ parameters of rock metamorphism: Т = 750–800 С, Р = 4.5–5.5 kbar, the proportion of melt would be at least 10–15 w/w % of the initial protolith mass. A rise in water content from 0.5 w/w % to 2.5 w/w % results in a nearly 4-fold increase in the melt volume under the same РТ parameters of ultrametamorphism. The composition and structural characteristics of later generation leucosomes suggest there was a multiple genesis (anatexis-metasomatosis), where K- rich fluid played a significant role in the evolution of the matter. The fluid could originate from potassic porphyraceous granite plutons, which are widespread in the region.

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Last modified: October 12, 2012