Scientific publications
Ю.Н. Нерадовский, Ю.Л. Войтеховский.
Зональность ставролита из кристаллических сланцев Больших Кейв, Кольский полуостров
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2012. C. 110-121
Yu.N. Neradovskiy, Yu.L. Voytekhovskiy. Zonality of staurolites from the crystalline schists of the big keivy, kola peninsula // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Precambrian Geology Series. 2012. Pp. 110-121
Keywords: staurolite, zonality, growth stages, metamorphic events.
The results of microscopic investigations of the morphology and zonality of staurolites from the crystalline schists of the Big Keivy region, Kola Peninsula are presented. Three stages of crystal growth have been distinguished, and referenced to major metamorphic events.
trudy_2012_03_110-121.pdf (1.86 Mb, total downloads: 302)
Last modified: October 12, 2012