
Scientific publications

A.I. Shepel’.
Present abundance of diurnal raptors and owls in the Perm Region, Kama Area
// Status of Raptor Populations in Eastern Fennoscandia. Proceedings of the Workshop, Kostomuksha, Karelia, Russia, November 8-10, 2005. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. Pp. 146-150
Keywords: diurnal raptors, owls, abundance, Perm, Kama.
Data on the abundance and breeding parameters of 26 raptor species gathered over a long-term period (1975–2004) of studies of diurnal raptors and owls in the Kama area of the Perm region are reported. Reasons for changes in their breeding density both in the region at large (160,600 km2) and in the main research plot (100 km2) are analysed. The focus is on rare and endangered species included in the Russian Federation and Perm Region Red Data Books.

raptor146-150.pdf (139 Kb, total downloads: 282)

Last modified: March 21, 2007