
Scientific publications

Шелехова Т.С., Лаврова Н.Б.
Палеоэкологические условия развития юго-западного Беломорья в голоцене
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Вып. 11. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 255-266
The results of the integrated study of Upper Holocene deposits, located near Zalavruga ancient rock carvings, are reported. The sedimentation environment was reconstructed. The spore-pollen spectrum formation pattern and the composition of diatom complexes were used to show sea level regime dynamics. Three stages in the transgressive-regressive activity of the White Sea in the Subboreal-Subatlantic periods are distinguished.

geology_11_255-266.pdf (2.39 Mb, total downloads: 144)

Last modified: December 15, 2009