
Scientific publications

А.Б. Карасев, С.В. Пономарев, О.С. Еременко.
Паразитофауна европейской корюшки Osmerus Eperlanus некоторых изолированных озерных популяций Северо-Европейской части России
A.B. Karasev , S.V. Ponomarev, O.S. Eremenko. The parasite fauna of the european smelt (Osmerus Eperlanus) from some isolated lake populations in the North European part of Russia // Biological Resources of the White Sea and Inland Waters of European North. Proceedings of the XXVIII International Conference October, 5–8, 2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 266-269

Bioresurs_2009_266-269.pdf (154 Kb, total downloads: 558)

Last modified: December 14, 2010