
Scientific publications

Трофимова Ф.А., Демидова М.И., Лыгина Т.З., Губайдуллина А.М., Трофимов Л.В.
Технология активации бентонитовых глин, их модификация и результаты применения органобентонитов в качестве перспективных термостабилизаторов эластомеров
// Новые методы технологической минералогии при оценке руд металлов и промышленных минералов. Сборник научных статей по материалам российского семинара по технологической минералогии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 121-126
Trofimova F.A., Demidova N.I., Ligina T.Z., Gubaidulina A.M., Trofimov L.V. The technology of bentonite clays activation, their modification and the results of organobentonite adaptation as available thermoregulator of elastomers // New Technological Mineralogy Methods for Evaluation of Metallic and Industrial Mineral Ores. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 121-126
In this article shows the possibility of receiving the advanced organobentonite from Russian low-grade bentonite clays. We demonstrate the possibility of using organobentonites as excipient in silicone rubbers. On the experimental model of rubbers explained, that organobentonite, as excipient, is a good coupling agent of elastomers and it raises their strength and flexible characteristics. Beside that, shows that the presence of organobentonite in silicone rubbers raises their spalling behavior and thermostability.

tekh_mineral_121-126.pdf (191 Kb, total downloads: 2417)

Last modified: December 16, 2010