
Scientific publications

Кевлич В.И., Кукушкина П.И.
К вопросу о текстурно-структурных особенностях и измельчаемости хромитовых руд Карелии
Kevlich V.I., Kukushkina P.I. On the textural and structural characteristics and grindability of Karelian chromite ores // Mineralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2011. Pp. 82-86
The textural and structural characteristics (mineral and particle-size composition, morphology, etc.) of Karelian chromite ores, used to predict chromite behaviour in ore-dressing processes, to select appropriate schemes and to estimate the technological loss of the basic ore mineral, are discussed.

miner_tech_ocenka_082-86.pdf (371 Kb, total downloads: 237)

Last modified: June 4, 2012