
Scientific publications

Е.С. Михайлова, О.М. Исаева, А.О. Касумян.
Особенности поведения тестирования вкусовых свойств пищевых объектов и его темпоральные характеристики у рыб с разным типом питания
E.S. Mikhailova, O.M. Isaeva, A.O. Kasumyan. Features of testing behavior and its temporal characteristics for flavored pellet in fish with different feeding // Current problems of physiology and biochemistry of aquatic organisms. Volume II. Ecological Physiology and Biochemistry of Aquatic Organism. Collected Scientific Papers– Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre RAS, 2010. Pp. 172-175

sovr_prob_fiziol_T1_172-175.pdf (361 Kb, total downloads: 99)

Last modified: June 14, 2012