Karelian Research Centre RAS
Historical background
1930 - The Complex Karelian Research Institute was founded
1937 - It was reorganized into the Karelian Research Research Institute of Culture
1946 у. - Karelian-Finnish Research Facility of the USSR Academy of Sciences with its scientitic and general subdivisions was established
1949 у. - The Facility was renamed as Karelian-Finnish Branch of the USSR AS
1956 у. - renamed as the Karelian Branch of the USSR AS
1963 у. - the Karelian Branch was closed, the divisions became part of ministries and departments
1967 у. - the Karelian Branch of the USSR AS was reopened as a unity of 6 research institutions
1990 у. - the Karelian Branch was named the Karelian Research Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences
since 1991 у. - Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS)
KarRC RAS Administration
Director General:
O.N. Bakhmet, RAS Corr. Fellow, Doctor (DSc) of Biology, ph. +7 (8142) 78-00-59, bahmet@krc.karelia.ru, obahmet@mail.ru
Deputy Director General for Research Administration:
Yu.V. Zaika, Doctor (DSc) of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, ph. +7 (8142) 78-00-59, zaika@krc.karelia.ru
Deputy Director General for Research Administration:
N.V. Ilmast, Doctor (DSc) of Biology, ph. +7 (8142) 76-96-01, ilmast@krc.karelia.ru
Head of Research Area:
N.N. Nemova, RAS Corr. Fellow, Doctor (DSc) of Biology, ph. +7 (8142) 57-18-79, nemova@krc.karelia.ru
Secretary for Science:
Natalia Fokina, Cand. (PhD) of Biology, ph. +7 (8142) 76-96-79, nfokina@krc.karelia.ru
KarRC RAS Address
11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia
Phone: +7 8142 76-60-40, +7 8142 77-97-10
Fax: +7 8142 76-96-00
E-mail: krcras@krc.karelia.ru