Scientific publications
А.О. Киселев, Н.И. Юрченко.
Игровые равновесия и переходная динамика в диаде с гетерогенными агентами
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 10, в. 1. 2018. C. 40-64
Keywords: network, game equilibrium, heterogeneous agents, productivity, dyad
The article considers the development of the game model with the production and externalities of knowledge on a network with two-time periods, formulated in articles by V.D. Matveenko and A.V. Korolev. The simplest complete network with heterogeneous agents, the dyad, is considered. Agents differ in productivity. Dynamics in a dyad is considered. All possible game equilibria in the dyad and the conditions for their existence are found. Conditions for the dynamic stability of equilibria are determined
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
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Last modified: September 11, 2018