
Scientific publications

А.В. Толстиков, М.С. Потахин, М.С. Богданова.
Компьютерная визуализация учебного материала в обучении школьников и студентов
// Водная среда: обучение для устойчивого развития. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2010. C. 99-104
A.V. Tolstikov, M.S. Potakhin, M.S. Bogdanova. Computer visualization of teaching material in education of pupils and students // Aquatic environment: Education for sustainable development. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of RAS, 2010. Pp. 99-104
The idea to use different kinds of computer visualization in education is promoted. The computer visualization is one of directs of our Scientific Educational Center of the Northern Water Problems Institute.
Virtual ecological trips are one of convenient forms for representing information because it is sometimes problematic to create real nature trips due to natural conditions, very laborious and expensive work. Given the Institute's specialized professional interest, the virtual ecological trip “Lake Pryazhinskoe” has been produced. The virtual ecological trip is a visualization of a tourist route with the help of computer technologies. We applied a web-design for joining heterogeneous materials such as texts, images, audio, video files using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The virtual trip gives a unique possibility to provide specific information about an object to those who cannot actually visit it.
Moreover, we create and use educational-science films for pupils and students. At this time the film about oceanology investigations is produced. And we hope that it will open innovative and creative possibilities for education both at the stage of their development and their application.

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Last modified: December 5, 2010