
Scientific publications

Т.Н. Ильина, Т.Р. Руоколайнен, В.В. Белкин, И.В. Баишникова.
Токоферол в физиологических адаптациях млекопитающих различного экогенеза
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2011. C. 49-56
T.N. Ilyina, T.R. Ruokolaynen, V.V. Belkin, I.V. Baishnikova. Tocopherol in physiological adaptation of mammals with different ecogenesis // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2011. Pp. 49-56
Keywords: tocopherol, antioxidants, mammals, species, adaptation.
The vitamin E (α-tocopherol) concentration was investigated in liver, kidney, heart and skeletal tissues of 23 mammal species, some of them living in the wild and others farm-bred. In most of the species the tocopherol level was the highest in liver and kidneys. Some significant differences were found in the tocopherol distribution and content, even among taxonomically close species. They were mainly due to ecological peculiarities of the animals. The research data show that tocopherol is an important factor for maintaining the natural antioxidant system at a static level.
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Last modified: February 2, 2016