KarRC RAS structure

Institute of Economics


  • November 9 - 11, 2017
  • June 9, 2017
    Conference with international participation "The perspectives of socio-economic development of border regions"
  • November 10 - 12, 2016
  • October 20, 2016
    Conference with international participation, devoted to K. Arseniev "Problems of economic geography and spatial development statistics"
  • June 9 - 10, 2016
    Conference with international participation "The perspectives of socio-economic development of border regions"
  • November 13 - 14, 2014
  • September 26, 2014
    Conference within the ‘Strategist’ Young Scientists’ School
  • November 14 - 15, 2013
  • October 14 - 16, 2006
    Socio-Economical, Spiritual and Cultural Revival of Russia
  • Staff

    Deputy Director for Science of the Administration, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Secretary for Science in the Administration, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Arctic Integrated Research, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Assistant Director for International Cooperation, Senior Researcher in the Laboratory for Arctic Integrated Research, Head of the Department of Regional Institutional Development, Senior Researcher in the Department of Regional Institutional Development, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Senior Researcher in the Department of Regional Institutional Development, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Chief Researcher in the Department of Modeling and Forecasting Regional Development, Dr. of Economics, Assistant Professor
    Leading Researcher in the Department of Regional Institutional Development, Dr. of Economics
    Senior Researcher in the Department of Regional Economic Policy, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Leading Researcher in the Department of Modeling and Forecasting Regional Development, Dr. of Economics, Assistant Professor
    Senior Programming Engineer in the Administration
    Chief Specialist in the Administration
    Senior Researcher in the Department of Modeling and Forecasting Regional Development, Cand. (PhD) of Econ., Assistant Professor
    Senior Researcher in the Department of Regional Institutional Development, Cand. (PhD) of Econ.
    Chief Researcher in the Department of Regional Economic Policy, Cand. (PhD) Phys. and Math., Dr. of Economics

    Contact information

    Contact phone(s): +7 (8142) 57-07-27
    Fax: +7 (8142) 57-07-27
    Internet address: http://economy.krc.karelia.ru/